Tradition with quality

The culture in the countryside is traditionally connected to the straw cigarette consumption, it was very common among people that lived in the farm regions or outside the big cities. Overtime, it became a countryside culture symbol and it reached the urban territories.

Here at Palheiros Paulistinha we reinforce the preservation of this tradition in our path through a modern manufacture of straw cigarettes, but preserving the essence of the craft work developed manually in several stages. We are proud to share the Brazilian countryside essence with the world!


Handling it with excellence

The magic in our 100% handmade production process happens through handwork. From the tillage, with the harvest and the preparation of the corn straw, to the cultivation of tobacco leaves, the braiding of the tobacco ropes and rolling up the straw cigarettes. They are made one by one to reach the final consumer in a perfect state. All of these steps are executed by our workers with dedication and precision, guaranteeing high quality to the final product and bringing the field atmosphere and the earth scent in its essence.


Attention to each detail in the process

One of the main commitments of Palheiros Paulistinha is to offer quality throughout its production chain. That’s why we work only with selected seeds that are planted seeking the best possible harvest and the best performance of our raw material. We work with rigorous quality processes throughout all stages of the production process, always seeking the highest level of control through analysis, classification and sanitation of the straw cigarettes. We bring this level of quality up to the final stage: packaging and distribution. Paulistinha values hygiene, carrying out the entire process within a controllable environment, where the straw cigarettes are sterilized and handled by employees duly dressed with the necessary PPE.

Using more than a decade’s knowledge, the company delivers to costumers the very best in the straw cigarettes market.



Informamos que nossa identidade visual foi toda renovada. Nosso NOVO LOGO traz um elemento adicional. Além disso, em breve vocês verão uma mudança significativa nas embalagens do Palheiros Paulistinha. Elas serão atualizadas com a nova identidade visual e o novo logo. A partir do LOTE 2024 ICZ1, elas já se encontrarão em circulação no mercado.

Essa mudança faz parte do nosso esforço contínuo para manter a autenticidade no nosso produto, reforçando nossa proteção contra falsificações.

Por questões logísticas e devido aos estoques antigos de embalagens, essa alteração acontecerá de forma gradual. Lembrando que, para qualquer dúvida e esclarecimento, nossos canais de comunicação estão sempre à disposição.

Indústria e Comércio de Palheiros Paulistinha Ltda.